
Hi, friends. I’m Melanie.

they call me the creeper.

I live in the heart of Peterborough, Ontario where I share a second story walk-up apartment, to which we lovingly refer as “The Tree Fort”, in what was once an Ontario Gothic style farmhouse with my delightful mister, a puggle, three kitties, least two plants, and the three magi who live downstairs. They all bring a lot of chaos and more joy to my life.

I’m an early bird empty nester, recovering teen mum, crazy plant lady, word nerd, polyglot, artist, queery-pants, feminist buzzkill, foodie, devout introvert and sometimes girl about town with my own religion, called Melanism.

Oh, and I’ve made friends with a chipmunk.

I call her Culo Rosso (why, yes, that is Italian for “rosy arse”) and she is the best…and has the rosiest tuchus in all the land.

Sometimes I get so excited about things, the only thing to do is take to this here blog and spill about everything from recipes to politics, but mostly recipes.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I do hope you enjoy.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Most enjoyable reading. Stylistically, you remind me of…nobody else. I can offer no higher compliment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thatmelanie says:

      Jon, you are such a peach! thank you!


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