Adventures in mask-sewing

In the interest of full disclosure, I have not been wearing a mask out for my bi-weekly shopping trips. I think part of not getting into that habit feels a bit like defeat (it ain’t). Like this terrible pandemic is winning (it’s not). Like I’m somehow weaker for needing one (I am, but it’s not…

Preserving Grape Leaves {Tutorial}

A couple of weeks ago, I was making up a meal plan and ended up with preserved grape leaves on the mind and meant to go about finding some. I can’t even recall what I had wanted them for because it suddenly dawned on me that I have access to a whole lotta fresh grape…

Infused Oils {Tutorial}

Back in the spring, I posted a few pics to the social medias about how I was making infused oils (dandelion and shepherd’s purse, at the time) and got a lot of questions about my method because of issues with mould. That is a real thing. I remember being gifted with a gorgeously prepared bottle…

What I Did on my Summer Vacation – Part Un

In the wee hours of yesterday morning, the mister and I returned from a week long adventure on Salt Spring Island or, as we call it, Fraggle Rock. It was a bit odd for me as a good portion of the maternal side of my BFF’s fam jam picked up and moved to the island…