The Temporary Bachelorette

As stated in another post, my mister headed east to Fredericton, New Brunswick for a week so he could attend the National Community Radio Conference. Party time! Excellent! Not really. Well… Kinda. I wasn’t too worried about a week alone. I don’t really get lonely as I quite enjoy my own company and tend to…

Life, the Universe and Everything

Yup. That’s my mug on here. I know! I, like, never put my mug on here, but putting my mug out a lot more was a thing I did in 2017. As my friend Candace so aptly put it, 2017 was a weird one. We knew it would be going into it – between Trump…

The World’s OKest Girl Scout

I posted a meme with the words on the lovely napkin above (which can be purchased here and, if you’re looking to get a little treat pour moi, these have my name all over them) to the faceplace about a week ago and it has popped into my brain each day since because it really…

Passover 2017 Recipe Round-Up

As we were finishing up our move (ha! like that work will ever be done), I was attempting to make arrangements to have one of our amazing helper elves over for a thank you supper and found myself saying “but perhaps after Passover” to which he responded “yes…please?” I’ve thought about this exchange quite a lot…

Hurry Up and Wait

Oy. Moving sucks. With just a week to go, I’m feeling restless and bored with the menial duties a move demands and overwhelmed and underwhelmed and eager for it to be April-the-somethingth-after-the-move when we’re settled and our favourite things are no longer buried in a mountain of boxes. Things are progressing nicely, but there’s still…

Love Me, Love my Bullet Journal Habit

Back in late August/early September, I began keeping a bullet journal and boy howdy, am I ever glad that I did. I’ve always been partial to loosey-goosey, no lines required journaling/habit tracking/goal- and list-making. I toyed around with oodles of different layout styles in simple, blank paged notebooks from about grade five on and finally…

Developing Developments

No soup of the week post this week, I’m afraid. Fact is, I’ve barely thought about food at all this week as I’ve been holed up in my nerd cave for most of it putting together a proposal for something exciting that I am very passionate about and OMG! Guys! That shit is HARD! I…

Gifts from Me, to Me, with Love

Having a birthday early in the new year not only means my presents are often wrapped in leftover Christmas paper, but also serves as a reminder to take some down time and do some me stuff – things like working on the millions of little projects I like to have on the go at any…

On The Work and The Tarot

A perk of being a professional word nerd is learning about a bunch of things and getting paid to do it. One of the projects I’ve been involved with lately in the work-I-do-for-money has had me chewing on that other work that I do. You know, the learning and growing and becoming a better person…

on The Purple One + his awesomeness + boning

  I was eight years old and living in smallsville Ontario when Purple Rain was released. I was newly the child of a Broken Family™, making my way ANYWHERE that wasn’t home via a pair of roller skates that I picked up from a yard sale for 25¢, decked out in striped roller girl shorts,…

two months

It has been a little over two months since I quit my soul-sucking job at the software mine. Where did the time go? I still feel a little insecure about my ability to make this creative free agent gig work, but so far, it’s going better than expected and I’ve learned a LOT. I’ve learned…

a new blog for a new era

Hello, friends! I have felt for a while that it was high time to amalgamate some of my online endeavors and create a more central space that felt more…me. If you’ve come here from my monkey brains and squid kibbles blog, fear not! You’ll still find the same kitchen-tested recipes I’ve shared and all of…